Search for a service
Registration of a new imported aircraft
Transfer of an aircraft from an EU member State.
Transfer of a Light Sport Aeroplane coming from an EU member State, having a valid Permit to Fly
Recommendation assesment for registration of an aircraft imported from a third country
Recommendation assesment for the registration of an aircraft coming from an EU member State with an expired ARC
File examination to classify a Light Sport Aircraft eligible for a permanent Permit to Fly
Airworthiness Review for renewal of an ARC
Airworthiness Review to renew a permanent Permit to Fly for a Light Sport Aircraft
Airworthiness Review to renew a Permit to Fly for an ex-CDNR aircraft
Send a recommendation to OSAC for the issue of an ARC 15a
Send an airworthiness review file to renew a permanent Permit to Fly for a Light Sport Aeroplane
Search for the ADs associated with an aircraft
Transmettre un dossier d'examen de navigabilité en vue du renouvellement du laissez-passer permanent ex CDNR
Aircraft Radio Station Licence
Noise Certificate - EASA Aircraft
Noise Level Certificate - ICAO standard Annex 1 Aircraft
Send an ARC issued or extended by a CAMO/CAO or independent airworthiness review staff
Request for 24 bits ICAO address for registrations F-Bxxx, F-Gxxx, F-Hxxx, F-Ixxx and F-Oxxx
Request for 24 bits ICAO address - MODES S/ACAS for registrations F-Axxx, F-Cxxx, F-Pxxx, F-Wxxx and ground stations
Duplicate & Subsequent onboard documents - EASA aircraft
Duplicates & Subsequent onboard documents - Annex I aircraft
Initial application for production authorisation Part-21F
Application for a change to a Part-21F production authorisation
Application to renew a Part-21F production organisation authorisation
Application for an exemption
Application for an Export CofA for a new aircraft produced in France
Registration of a new aircraft produced in France
Application for an Initial Part-CAMO approval
Application for a change in a Part-CAMO approval
Indirect approval or change not needing prior approval
Application for an exemption
"Grandpérisation" vers CAMO ou CAO
Approval of the Maintenance Programme for an EASA aircraft under Part-M (CAMO without indirect approval privilege)
Send an ARC issued or extended by a CAMO/CAO or independent airworthiness review staff
Application for an initial Part-CAO approval
Application for a change to a Part-CAO approval
Indirect approval or change not needing prior approval
Application for an exemption
"Grandpérisation" vers CAMO ou CAO
Approval of the Maintenance Programme for an EASA aircraft under Part-M (CAMO without indirect approval privilege)
Send an ARC issued or extended by a CAMO/CAO or independent airworthiness review staff
Application for an initial Part-66 licence
Application for renewal of a Part-66 licence, or change of address/identity
Application for a change to a Part-66 licence
Request for a duplicate Part-66 licence
Application for transfer of a Part-66 licence
Application for an Part-66 exemption
Send an ARC issued or extended by a CAMO/CAO or independent airworthiness review staff
Application for independent airworthiness review staff authorisation ML.A.901(b)(4) for non-commercial aircraft under Part-ML
Top courses

Comprendre un Système de Gestion
Comprendre un Sytème de Gestion

Know, understand and satisfy the requirements of EN 9100:2018
Identifier les enjeux, comprendre les exigences et savoir mettre en oeuvre l'EN 9100:2018
PART 145
Exigences du règlement européen "EASA Partie 145" applicable aux organismes effectuant la maintenance d'aéronefs ou de leurs sous-ensembles.

Comprendre un Système de Gestion
Comprendre un Sytème de Gestion

Know, understand and satisfy the requirements of EN 9100:2018
Identifier les enjeux, comprendre les exigences et savoir mettre en oeuvre l'EN 9100:2018
PART 145
Exigences du règlement européen "EASA Partie 145" applicable aux organismes effectuant la maintenance d'aéronefs ou de leurs sous-ensembles.