Search for a service
Registration of a new imported aircraft
Transfer of an aircraft from an EU member State.
Transfer of a Light Sport Aeroplane coming from an EU member State, having a valid Permit to Fly
Recommendation assesment for registration of an aircraft imported from a third country
Recommendation assesment for the registration of an aircraft coming from an EU member State with an expired ARC
File examination to classify a Light Sport Aircraft eligible for a permanent Permit to Fly
Airworthiness Review for renewal of an ARC
Airworthiness Review to renew a permanent Permit to Fly for a Light Sport Aircraft
Airworthiness Review to renew a Permit to Fly for an ex-CDNR aircraft
Send a recommendation to OSAC for the issue of an ARC 15a
Send an airworthiness review file to renew a permanent Permit to Fly for a Light Sport Aeroplane
Search for the ADs associated with an aircraft
Transmettre un dossier d'examen de navigabilité en vue du renouvellement du laissez-passer permanent ex CDNR
Aircraft Radio Station Licence
Noise Certificate - EASA Aircraft
Noise Level Certificate - ICAO standard Annex 1 Aircraft
Send an ARC issued or extended by a CAMO/CAO or independent airworthiness review staff
Request for 24 bits ICAO address for registrations F-Bxxx, F-Gxxx, F-Hxxx, F-Ixxx and F-Oxxx
Request for 24 bits ICAO address - MODES S/ACAS for registrations F-Axxx, F-Cxxx, F-Pxxx, F-Wxxx and ground stations
Duplicate & Subsequent onboard documents - EASA aircraft
Duplicates & Subsequent onboard documents - Annex I aircraft
Initial application for production authorisation Part-21F
Application for a change to a Part-21F production authorisation
Application to renew a Part-21F production organisation authorisation
Application for an exemption
Application for an Export CofA for a new aircraft produced in France
Registration of a new aircraft produced in France
Application for an Initial Part-CAMO approval
Application for a change in a Part-CAMO approval
Indirect approval or change not needing prior approval
Application for an exemption
"Grandpérisation" vers CAMO ou CAO
Approval of the Maintenance Programme for an EASA aircraft under Part-M (CAMO without indirect approval privilege)
Send an ARC issued or extended by a CAMO/CAO or independent airworthiness review staff
Application for an initial Part-CAO approval
Application for a change to a Part-CAO approval
Indirect approval or change not needing prior approval
Application for an exemption
"Grandpérisation" vers CAMO ou CAO
Approval of the Maintenance Programme for an EASA aircraft under Part-M (CAMO without indirect approval privilege)
Send an ARC issued or extended by a CAMO/CAO or independent airworthiness review staff
Application for an initial Part-66 licence
Application for renewal of a Part-66 licence, or change of address/identity
Application for a change to a Part-66 licence
Request for a duplicate Part-66 licence
Application for transfer of a Part-66 licence
Application for an Part-66 exemption
Send an ARC issued or extended by a CAMO/CAO or independent airworthiness review staff
Application for independent airworthiness review staff authorisation ML.A.901(b)(4) for non-commercial aircraft under Part-ML
Top courses

Know, understand and satisfy the requirements of EN 9100:2018
Identifier les enjeux, comprendre les exigences et savoir mettre en oeuvre l'EN 9100:2018

Part-66 & Part-147 training
Les exigences des règlements européens dits "EASA Partie 66" et "Partie 147" encadrant la délivrance des licences de maintenance d'aéronef, et applicables aux organismes de formation.

Know, understand and satisfy the requirements of EN 9100:2018
Identifier les enjeux, comprendre les exigences et savoir mettre en oeuvre l'EN 9100:2018

Part-66 & Part-147 training
Les exigences des règlements européens dits "EASA Partie 66" et "Partie 147" encadrant la délivrance des licences de maintenance d'aéronef, et applicables aux organismes de formation.